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News & Events

News & Events

Lasalle School Based Protocol for September 2020


Lasalle Elementary BELL Schedule, Grades 7 & 8


Start Time End Time
Bell 8:15
Lunch 10:53 11:43
Dismissal 2:21
Note: Students will have a morning and afternoon break


Lunches for elementary students will take place in their classrooms.  Students will be divided into two groups.  Group A will eat in their classrooms for the first 25 minutes of lunch and then proceed to a supervised outdoor break for the next 25 minutes.

Group B will proceed to a supervised outdoor break for the first 25 minutes and then return to their classroom to eat their lunch for 25 minutes.

Extra time has been added to ensure proper hand hygiene.

Lasalle Secondary BELL Schedule, Grades 9-12

LUNCH A 9 & 12’s Afternoon Courses
Minutes Start Time End Time
Warning Bell 8:15
Homeroom 8:20 8:25
Period 1 150 8:25 10:55
Lunch 40 11:00 11:40

transition time

10 11:40 11:50
Period 2 150 11:50 2:20


LUNCH B 10 & 11’s Afternoon Courses
Minutes Start Time End Time
Warning Bell 8:15
Homeroom 8:20 8:25
Period 1 150 8:25 10:55
Period 2 75 11:00 12:15
Lunch 40 12:15 12:55

transition time

10 12:55 1:05
Period 2 75 1:05 2:20


Important: There are designated areas for students to eat their lunch.  Students will not be permitted to eat lunch in the hallways. Lunches for secondary students will be staggered as outlined in the chart above.

Grades 9 and 12 afternoon courses will be on Lunch A, Grades 10 and 11 afternoon courses will be on Lunch B.

Grade 9’s will report to the cafeteria for lunch or outside for lunch.  Grade 12’s will report to Room 119 or outside for lunch.  

Grade 10’s will report to the cafeteria for lunch or outside. Grade 11’s will report to Room 119 or outside for lunch.

We are placing picnic tables outside the front entrance of the school.  Please note that all students who choose to go outside during lunch must remain outside until the end of the lunch period.  They must re-enter the school through the main entrance where they will be pre-screened for Covid-19 symptoms.  If cleared, students  will place their masks back on and report directly to their afternoon class.

If you are a student in a multi-grade course, your teacher will inform you as to whether you are on 

Lunch A or B.

Note: If a student is purchasing a grab and go lunch from the cafeteria, they must line up according to social distancing labels on the floor and wear their mask until they reach their designated lunch area.  

SCHOOL ENTRY AND EXIT – Please note, the following will be explained in detail on the first day of school to the students

First Day of School

Elementary students who attended their orientation will proceed DIRECTLY to their classroom.  Those students who did not attend the orientation sessions will be guided to the elementary wing where the vice principal will provide their teacher’s name and class location.

Secondary students will be greeted outside the main entrance to the school where they will be guided to their homerooms.  They will receive their timetables in homeroom.

Beginning of the Day

Upon arrival the students will enter the building wearing their masks at their designated entrance.  Students MUST proceed directly to their home room.  During the first day of classes, teachers and administration will review classroom and school protocols and policies.


Special Education Students can enter directly into room 109 where their bus currently drops them off as well as entry through the main entrance.

The school Main Entrance will be used for all busses with secondary students and elementary and secondary walkers.

The school Laneway entrance by the library will be used for elementary students coming off the bus.


Third Floor: Any students on the third floor must exit the north end stairway.  This is located by classrooms 321 and 322.  They are expected to move through to the first floor and exit by the Welding Shop.  This will apply to all students leaving the building at lunch and after school.  

Second Floor: Any students on the second floor must exit out the main entrance.

First Floor: Any students on the first floor will exit using the north stairway by the welding shop and/or the library exit located at the back of the school.  

End of the Day

Dismissal for students will be controlled.

Walkers or parent pick up will be dismissed first.

Dismissal for bus transportation will be called by Bus Number.

Movement Time

Transition times,  where students will be moving throughout the building (i.e. lunchtime, end of day), will occur in a controlled manner through the PA system.

Remote Learners

Elementary students will receive communication from their virtual classroom teacher. A gentle reminder that your child’s virtual classroom teacher may not be a Lasalle teacher.  A remote learning Principal has been assigned to all virtual learners. Information will be forthcoming.

Lasalle is in the process of organizing chromebooks for our remote learners and families to be contacted with a time to pick up a device.  As this is a mammoth task inclusive of elementary and secondary, please be patient.  Chromebooks  most likely will be distributed into the first week of school.

Secondary students will be learning along with their regular scheduled class synchronously, or in other words, it is a live feed to the classroom.  Those students will start on the same day as those students who are learning in-person.  Communication for those students that require a chromebook will be received by Thursday this week. A schedule will then be created for pick up. 


There has been much attention in the media dedicated to school washrooms. Dedicated class washroom breaks are not realistic as they present  line ups.  Each classroom teacher will allow one student at a time to attend the washroom.  The student’s name/entry and return time will be recorded.  Each washroom will have signage with safety protocols for distancing, maximum capacity and hand washing. Students can only access washrooms on the floor of the class they are attending. Routine cleaning protocols for washrooms will be in effect.  During the lunch time, students again will have access to the washrooms in their area.

Cell Phones

This is an important reminder that as per school policy cell phones are not permitted in the classroom.  That being said, with no access to lockers, students are not to have their phone out at any time during class time. Cell phones are to be turned off and students ready to learn for their class.  

School Library

Rainbow is recommending the following for our school libraries:


  • a library schedule should be developed so that classes may access the library with their classroom cohort only  
  • books may be withdrawn and kept by the student for the regular amount of time, or extended periods of time if time between cohorts are extended 
  • books are not to be shared by students but may go back and forth from the home environment in the student backpack, much like their assigned device
  • books are to be returned to a designated area in the library where they can remain untouched for 4 days prior to being shelved
  • library surfaces must be sanitized between cohorts arriving in the library 
  • hand sanitizer must be available and used upon entry and exit of the library 


In addition to the Elementary recommendations listed above,

  • during times when students need to access the library outside of their cohort (spares), students need to continue to wear their mask and respect social distancing expectations
  • furniture should be spaced or marked unavailable to allow for social distancing