To our Lasalle Community,
We have received an update from Public Health Sudbury and Districts with regards to masks.
They have identified that “masks with exhalation valves or vents are not recommended. These masks do not protect others from COVID-19 or limit the spread of the virus. This is because they allow infectious respiratory droplets to spread outside the mask”.
In addition, neck gaiters ( neck warmers) are not considered a mask. Neck gaiters ” are not well secured to the head or ears and are likely to move or slip out of place” and they can be difficult to remove without contamination.
Students are permitted to wear non-medical cloth masks or cloth masks. Students should not wear neck gaiters or masks with an exhalation valve or vent.
Below is information for what PHSD deems appropriate non-medical masks and/face coverings.
We ask that your child is wearing a mask advised by public health to school. If at any time you would like us to provide a mask to your child, we are happy to do so. We have them available in the main office.
Thank you for your ongoing cooperation as we continue to work through this difficult time.