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Arts: Drama, Media Arts, Music, and Visual Arts

Arts: Drama, Media Arts, Music, and Visual Arts

Lasalle Secondary School offers a diverse arts program where students can participate in Dramatic Arts, Music, and Visual Arts. Not only do we offer 9-12 courses in all of the arts mentioned but a healthy extra-curricular program as well. Dramatic Arts students can get involved in the extra credit play production course, and Music students can participate in the Jazz Ensemble and the Concert Band extra credit courses. In addition to all of these amazing opportunities, Visual Arts and Technically inclined students can apply to the spring production course as technicians.

Dramatic Arts

Lasalle worked on the production of I Never Saw Another Butterfly by Celeste Raspanti, a playwrite that explores the horrors of the events that occurred to the Jewish community during WWII. It concentrates on what occurred at Terezin concentration camp where a teacher Irena Syncova (name changed) illegally taught the arts to help students find the light in the darkness that was the holocaust.

The dramatic arts and technical theatre students in the LSS Dramatic Arts department produced The Frogs: A Modern Adaptation to a number of sold out audiences. The production was based on a production by Aristophanes originally produced in ancient Greece and both playwrights looked at the current state of art within their own time. The modern adaptation examined the influence of technology on the quality of art within our current time. In the production Dionysus travels to the underworld to enlist the help of Shakespeare to ‘save the arts’.


LSS has a history of a very strong music program and has competed in many music competitions over the years. In 2024, our Jazz Ensemble was awarded Gold at MusicFest Canada; The Nationals, which is the highest honour an ensemble can receive! Students participate regularly in local festivals (Northern Ontario Music Festival and Sudbury Music Festival) and perform at a variety of concerts and school events throughout the school year.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts students are able to take a large number of skills to develop their sculpting, printing, painting and media arts. Students interested in working extra-curricularly are also able to apply to take the theatre production course to act as set painters and technicians. Students are also celebrated in an Art Show semester one and two.